
It was year 2008/2007, I guess. I had some of the best moments of my life partying, eating and Chit chatting with my friends. The evenings were alive and joy was always in the air. I felt belonged to a tribe other than I was born into. In one such moments, I happen to glance at a temple on the other end of the road. Someone was ringing the temple bell. I lifted my glass and said, ‘Cheers! Thank you!”
My friends were bit shocked and gave me strange quizzical looks. I just shrugged and dismissed it as something inconsequential.
But, was it?

This became a habbit.
There were moments in life when I thanked God for a good date too!
Thanked him for letting me live my life a bit despite what society thinks about my sexuality.

With time, I acquired one more habbit: Putting three drops of whatever alcoholic drink I was about to have as an offering of gratitude to my ancestors, friends and mother Earth!
I frequently thank my dates too. It takes them by surprise! But, my gratitude is always sincere when expressed.
Now-a-days, I’m thanking cooks and waiters for the wonderful meal they provide!
I rarely ask God for things for myself. If at all, I ask him to take care of my loved ones and for general well being of the world. I believe, I’m more than capable of getting things I want in my life.
But, despite this, some moments give me utter bliss. Incomparable joy that just permeates every cell of my body. And, it frequently comes from events or people not that special. Looking back, I believe, somehow my gratitude is what makes me experience life to the fullest. Asking God not for many things but thanking him/her without boundaries or second thoughts, kind of reinforced my ability to connect to the joy of being alive on a deeper level.
One might argue that this is all because I have literally no expectations from him and thus I’m grateful for whatever little things that happen in my life.
But, isn’t this what gratitude is all about? I guess, it is!
Being grateful makes us appreciate things and people more deeply. Makes life more meaningful!

So, offer those three drops of drink before you party next time and when you are high, do try thanking God! It does wonders, trust me!

Traveller’s reflections

“If not for our imperfections who would we ever really be?”
We all are destined for Greater things in life!
One beautiful destination after another… One marvelous achievement after another…
One meaningful bond after another…
One successful deal after another…
One enlightening conversation after another…
One full filling meal after another!

What is holding you back?
Judgements? Fear of failure?
Simple inertia?
Even if you don’t do anything, these things will haunt you and overwhelm you. There is no escape!

Adversities are a consequence of human existence!
Time to embrace them truly as a part of your life! As a part of your very growth as a human!

What is happiness after all? A choice!
A consequence of our attitude of focusing on things to be done, getting them done and showing humility in the face of adversities and learning from them. Basically, being grateful for things that have gone well and working on those that didn’t.

And, importantly letting go of things that aren’t in your hands

So my dear,
Heal yourself physically and mentally
Meet good people and have meaningful conversations.
Eat good food and pray everyday
Face your  adversities with humility, smile and determination
Detach yourself from results after giving your best
Embrace empathy as a way of life
Judge yourself and others less harshley
Be grateful for the journey so far and be open for the wonders in your journey ahead
Resume studying and learnjng.
Take a break once in a while and have fun.

Live your life as you wanted it!

You Belong!!!

There comes a time in your life when everything seems lost!
I was going through that.
I disowned God.
I planned to change my name, the one that was given out of love and care.
I planned to cut off all the ties with my family.

I wasn’t sure whether this was a passing cloud or a permanent state of reality that I have to live with. Clueless, I spent much time withdrawn. Much time alone in grief and darkness. I didn’t want to affect the those who matter to me!

After a few days, I called my sister. We discussed about her career and everything. Everything else but my grief. I just couldn’t open up. Me and my sister never had any deep conversations. Never any talks that matter never anything that siblings shared with each other It was always superficial. While we were exchangeing pleasantries and other stuff, her three year old daughter, niece, takes the phone from her mother and talks with me.

One particular thing caught me completely off-guard. She uttered these words: “Uncle, when are you coming here? You know I have made your bed and it is where you will sleep, okay? Come here and sleep in your bed! You will come, right?”

I was drenched in tears! There was no stopping. All these days it has been difficult to let that grief out. Children are truly embodiment of God. They make us, the adults who are lost in the turbulence of this world, feel belonged.

A Tale Of Two Aunts

“Heey! You scrawny girl, how long will you have him. Give him to me. Its my time.”

“Shut up, you flabby devil. You had him all for yourself yesterday. Today, he is all mine.”

Sounds like a story of an introvert guy stuck in a triangle love story with two women??

Well, almost the same.

Except, the man here is a toddler and that toddler was myself, three decades ago. And the two women were my Paternal Aunts.

Their love was still possessive, outwardly. Deep within, it was quite unblemished and selfless.

My mother was the lone cook for our joint family of 12 people. No maids to help. And, quite a moody father-in-law, who demanded perfection in the food he ate. Any mis-step, he would wash the hands in the plate and leave the house without a word. That silence was like a whiplash to my mother’s tired heart.

So, she really couldn’t have time for me. I was, but a toddler. Curious and unbelievably cute. So, my mom had no other option, but, to outsource her job of mothering to her sister-in-laws, who were just waiting to grab me and play with me. I would get candies that they hid for me, fruits they sacrificed, and tarty tamarind they stole from kitchen.

So, you see, there was quite a competition. I strongly suspect my foodie trait as an adult had been born right there, between the arms of two sisters who gave all they could get their hands on to me. Truth be told, I never missed my mom. These two wonderful little women more than compensated for my mother. In fact, they were my mothers. Mothers given by God to take care of me. Miniature mothers sent to help my mother when her exhausted heart could no longer sing a lullaby to me.

I can’t help myself drawing a beautiful analogy here. Our joint family was like a Pride of lions. Grumpy male members just tired themselves out every day trying to earn more than we need and can. Mom, was like the lone capable lioness hunting (cooking) food for the family. And just like in a lion’s pride, the other lionesses (my Aunts) took care of the cub (myself), while the senior lioness hunted for food.

Just like their appearances, the minds and attitudes of my aunts were very different. One was exceptionally beautiful and the other one was exceptionally intelligent. As they aged they spent their time in nourishing their attributes. Almost like two trains running in opposite direction on the same track. The track was their love for me.

My grandfather had a policy. He encouraged his kids rather strongly to study. At times even using corporal punishments. Despite that, if the kid doesn’t study, the boy would be primed for family business. And the girl would be primed for matrimonial alliance. So, my aunt, studied hard, went on to become an MCA in 1990s and eventually a software engineer with a hefty pay. My other aunt couldn’t clear her 10th standard. She was eventually married off after few years of training with cooking and other stuff. How contrasting were their paths. Their choices as kids and teens defined their lives as adults.

The two trains still moved on the same track, though in opposite directions. Both faced challenges in their lives and both were bold in their own way. Their love towards me never changed. My younger nerdy aunt was my teacher and she instilled in me the passion towards learning. The older Aunt, instilled in me the passion for life. To able to think for myself. Both the traits have contributed immensely to what I am today. Both have saved me from many tragedies in my life till now.

The elder, beautiful aunt was the princess of our house. The younger one was the pride of my grandfather. Rightly so! She was the only one among all his seven children who took his effort to educate his kids, very seriously. But, life isn’t always dreamy. Life isn’t always fair. The princess and the scion, both have to go through something that changed their lives forever. Something that even corrupted the love I had for them. Something not-so-dreamy and sweet!

There was no stopping for my aunt. India’s software industry was growing by leaps and bounds and she benefitted immensely from the boom. So much so that, it became difficult to get her a match. There were no one as accomplished as her in our community to be her groom. We searched far and wide. Most of our relatives who were of marriageable age, excused themselves from the alliance. Her accomplishments intimidated even the richest of the men!

The only match we got was from a greedy family who asked for a hefty dowry and a house in Hyderabad for the match. My aunt just walked away from that match, even as the elders from both sides were trying to come to a deal. She simply refused to encourage that. Her conscience was very clear. She told my grandfather this: “Father, If I marry him, you would have to buy him something or the other every year. I can’t allow that to happen. We can’t feed their greed.” Speaking truth to power! Wasn’t it?

My other Aunt had her own troubles. She realised that her life had changed. From the princess to the cook. She took hardships. Cooked food, mopped floor, did the vessels and washed clothes. Though these were only in the earlier part of her married life. After a while, she got a maid. Yet, the cooking still remained. But, she still remained a princess for our family. Every once in a while my grandfather would send her something. Her brothers would make frequent visits.

She was after all married off to someone in the same town. Grandfather wouldn’t have it any other way! Every function or event in our home, she used to be showered with gold and saris. And soon, we even got a big house built for her. A group house that would get her rent from four families. Her gold reserves heaped up and she was even given a share in my grandfather’s property! The princess was made into a queen, in a way.

Still, they all paled in comparison to what my younger aunt achieved. The respect she received and the freedom her job gave her were priceless. A dream of many women of those times. But, was everything so dreamy in her life? No! My other Aunt’s accomplishments became her bane. She couldn’t find a match with traditional match-making means. So, she found a match for herself. She fell in love. And, the family got to know. All hell broke loose!

She was grilled by everyone. Shamed even. Bullied by her own brothers. But, conscience of the lioness was clear. She fought back. Fought back fiercely for her life. For her love. For her freedom. And win, she did! But, the cracks in psyche remained. She ceased to be the pride of her father. The love was still there in his heart. But, massive walls of ego entrapped it. Grandfather embraced a mask of stoicism in her presence. It was painful to watch. But, the lioness still loved fiercely. That her love wasn’t reciprocated, didn’t matter much to her! They don’t make such women anymore! They don’t make such humans anymore!

When all these were happening, I grew out to into a teenager. Into a young adult. And, with my misplaced notions of achievements, I thought that I could judge these women! Judge these two mothers of mine given by God! I saw my elder aunt as a spoiled brat. Just pumped with money and gold. I judged her vanity. Her unnecessary glossy appearance she maintained. Even found her very stupid sometimes. I judged her for not being a responsible parent and for spoiling her kids.

My accomplished aunt wasn’t spared even. She had changed drastically after her marriage. Oh, she still keeps fighting. That hasn’t changed. But, I judged her for the compromises she made for her married life. For her kids. For her in-laws. I found her becoming weak. That her fire is missing!

But, should she keep burning? Isn’t she allowed to find her peace? Isn’t she allowed to make her own choices? For her own life and for her family? No! In my perfect world, the lioness can’t compromise. The lioness can’t be weak. The lioness simply can’t take a break!

Life is a very patient teacher. A teacher with a large mirror and a permanent grin on its face. When as an adult, I had to make my own compromises and quit being a prince of my perfect world, I knew it all. I knew the lionesses never stopped fighting. Just that they stopped showing it to the world. The difficult situations in my life cleared my mind from the fog of faux superiority. I was humbled by life when it forced me to stare into the mirror it held for me. I was forced to stand on the ground with my wings clipped. I was made to yield. And, yield I did.

When my elder aunt lost her darling daughter to an accident, she fell into my arms sobbing like little girl. All the barriers between us broke. We were just two souls, a son and a mother re-united in our grief for each other and our family member. No judgements remained. No explanations were necessary. My mom was suffering immensely and I just held her, praying for the bad time to pass.

When we lost our grandfather to chronic illness, it didn’t matter to my younger aunt that her love to her father still remained unanswered. She was there for her mother, with her sister. And, the two lionesses joined hands in repelling anyone who came forward with the idea of widow making ceremony for our grandmother. They said a polite but a firm NO. It was decided then. Grandmother will not wear a white sari. Nor will she break her bangles. She already had enough for the day and that we should let her grieve in peace. Each every relative just nodded and left the daughters and their mother.

The lionesses never stopped fighting!

The lionesses never stopped loving!

The lionesses never stopped living!

And, I’m one lucky cub!

I’m always their cub!

Day3 of #100daysOfDecluttering

Day-3 of #100daysOfDecluttering
Today’s challenge is unique. Unique in the sense, I have had a dream to tell me which challenge I have to choose this day. Creepy? Miracle? Well, I’ll day its just perfect! 😎
So the dream begins with me getting 136 rank in an entrance examination. So, I attend the counseling with my grandfather. I’m still in that euphoria of getting that rank. I go to counseling seat, the person incharge there shows me the available options and I slowly begin chit chatting with him. I forget to make any choice and come out of the counseling hall after a heart warming chit chat. Can you believe that?

Well, I come outside and then I’m surprised to find my crush there. He tells me that he got so and so rank and got admission. I forget my disaster and I’m suddenly so happy for him. I could have very well climbed his bike and left for drinking with him, if not for my grandfather, who at this age took effort to travel all the way so that he may see me taking an admission in a college. All the hell breaks loose. I’m so angry. So angry at me, at the person in counseling room, my crush, the system, the times we are living in and probably everything in the universe. I even felt like taking all that anger on my grandfather! The wrongness of that thought woke me up from my dream!

“I failed. I did a terrible thing. And, I’m quite ashamed of it.”
This is not something unique to this dream. Or unique to me. It happens with many people. Multiple times in one’s life. There is literally no escape from the guilt you feel at that point of time. All your hardwork just turned to ashes because you couldn’t control yourself for a day. And, many a times, we take anger and frustration on someone dear to us. Someone who loves us! And, we find comfort in their submission to our anger. Isn’t that a terrible thing? I can only ask forgiveness for my past mistakes and take a stand from now.
So, the Day3 theme for #100daysOfDecluttering is this: “I will stop blaming others for my failure. And will not take out my frustration on others”. It’s my responsibility and mine alone. Only when I take it on my shoulders, I will know it’s weight and I will be careful in future. This was one hell of an adulting exercise, wasn’t it?

A forbidden Play

Rony was the best of my all friends
We would play and play until the day ends
He was playful, cheerful and curious
But how long we would play the same games
The same hide-and-seek with howling of names
Rony pulled me into a room with no name
Told me to get rid of all clothes and shame
Smiling mischievously at me, he did the same
Like in the movies, he began touching and kissing
We were doing something forbidden and thrilling
And then he asked me to do the same to him, pouting
I hesitated as I was afraid of mommy finding about it
He grumbled “I would never play with you. Think about it”
Whom will I play with now, after school everyday?
Who will be my partner-in-crime on every Sunday?
So I did it and Rony was all happy and cheerful again
And, then I liked it too. So we did it again and again
And, then, I felt something has now awakened in me
I felt attraction towards every guy in and around me
I was scared and angry at myself for that feeling
And I was drowned into guilt and a lot of hating
When the shackles binding my cravings withered away
I would find myself enjoying every touch that came my way
And, then stronger restrains with spikes of guilt and fear
Were made to stop my body and mind becoming a bear
And when I grew up to become a big boy, I would hear and hear
Stories of my friends going crazy over all girls far and near
And, I could see the glow in their eyes when they recited
And, how badly did I want it for myself to be so cherished
Every night when I went to sleep, I felt like a man drifitng
In the sea, dying of thirst and loneliness slowly creeping
Amid the pristine blue water tempting him to go for a sipping
Even the God must be bored of my continued gloom
So he thought, “Why not give this creature a big bloom???”
Robin was a fresher with a warm smile and sparkling eyes
I was pulled to him like a butterfly to a garden of roses
But, with my age my shackles grew too strong and fierce
Even with so much desire, I couldn’t do no more than glance
After an evening of wine, wine and more wine with my freshers
We called it a night and dozed of like homeless beggars
Robin managed to slip into my bed purring like a cat
Nudging all along my body to open myself to the brat
Decade old shackles buckled and splintered away
When his cooing head rested on my heart finding its way
We watched many sunrises together kissing
And spent full moons on a lonely beach drinking
I could now dare to dream of a better life with him by my side
So, I tied some of my dreams with his and was ready for a ride
God got bored again watching this cheesy show for too long.
He thought, “Let’s give it a twist and let’s bring in a girl”
Robin started seeing a girl from his class and he was in a swirl
He kept talking to her and then about her all the time
Soon, I got to know that I was completely out of the game
With humility, I made my retreat and wished him well
Robin gave me a hope that I didn’t believe even exist in hell
Can I spend all my life cursing and blaming Robin and Rony?
Or can I be just done with keeping all the blame on just Rony?
He was a kid like me- curious and clueless in his head.
I owned my past and my misadventures and moved ahead
I spread my wings far and wide; met people cute and brave
For others, my life looks like a painting gone wrong and rave
With a misplaced splash of bright colors abutting a cloud of absolute darkness
No!!! It is one stubborn rainbow that had cut through the sea of hopelessness

Children and their future careers!

We are in a period of transition! Transitioning from parents choosing the profession for the kids to let children choose their careers! Well, it’s pretty obvious that we have to let children choose their careers. But, we as parents have a degree of role amd responsibility to play! It’s indeed a blessing to have career that matches both your passion and ur lifestyle ambitions! Not many have this though! They end up prioritising one over the other and it might lead to exhaustion and dissatisfaction! A unhappy CEO of a successful company and struggling writer in rags waiting for his break are the stark realities of this world! I wouldn’t want my kid to be in either place!

But, how can child figure out? How can he decide? Well, being parents, you provide the exposure that enables the kid to explore and imagine himself in different places! Equally important is to provide the kid with options of self expression, which might end up providing them with a career in creative fileds too! Many enter into careers looking at the glamorous side of the career! Like a singer enthralling a thousand people, a doctor saving a life, an architect designing a mansion, a scientist who manges to fly a rocket into space! But, it’s the not-so-glamorous sides of these professions that determine the success and the ultimate glamour that these professions hold!

At the outset, these challenges shouldn’t be seen or even presented as deterrants to a child who is still in the comfort of his parents’ care! They might have a counter-productive effect! What I have in my mind is an idea! Where you can use a few days of summer vacations of ur kids. Let’s divide our goals into three parts: Part-1 will be introducing the kid to creative processes! This introduction can happen in mid-schooling years say for example, during summer vacations preceding standard 6, 7 and 8. How about introducing them to a creative process that they were previously unexposed to? You may run into surprises about what ur child is capable of! And it unlocks a part of their young mind! Anything thats available as per ur locality and budget! Part-2 will be about introducing the kids to various sports and this is something which can happen all round the year!

Part-3 is something we can do in older kids! In the summer vacations preceding classes IX, X and XI! How about sending your kids to various work places as observing interns? Of different professions? So that they have an idea about what the profession actually is about? It’s not simply about getting rid of ur child! There is more to it! After ur child is done visiting each workplace, make him to give marks to each visit! Yes, actually give grades! Make a table or excel sheet where the kid has to give grades from A to D, to various aspects of the profession he is exposed to! For example, you can have columns for Salary, Working hours, Job satisfaction, work environment, years of study required, social value, etc etc as per your needs. Help out the kid by filling in with appropriate details as necessary, but leave it to him to give the grades! This gives a sense of control to ur child about his\her choices! Satisfies their little budding egoes and will pacify them! But, what’s more important is that it teaches the child to objectively weigh things out!

Another thing I have heard is that some schools offer student exchange programs with schools of other countries! That’s an unexplored avenue and is not available in most of the schools. I would recommend that you figure it out by yourself! But, the possibilities seem to be promising! The whole point of this blog is to proactively expose kids to different creative and professional/workplace experiences for them to make a more informed choice of their careers!

The Businessman

His hands kept counting money, saving everything he can
So that I could not bother about earning money for almost three decades of my life
His skin bore the burnt and tanned under thousands of torrid noons
So that we all could have decent homes that gave me wonderful childhood memories
His legs walked thousands of miles so that I could be one of the first guys to buy a bike in my college days
His eyes barely slept many nights in his days of struggle as an young trader
So that we all could dare to dream without bothering about our livelihood
No matter how tiring his day might be and no matter how demanding
Me and my sister always used to get our daily snacks and fruits at night as a rule
No matter how tough it got and how challenging it seemed
He never stopped growing and he never stopped moving ahead
He came from the village as a common man several decades ago
And, now he made his final journey to the same village
Into the same soil he took so pride in Farming and nourishing
But, he brought a family that used to live off on barren lands and at mercy of rain
To be in a position to give livelihood to hundred other families
Grandfather, you are a self made king who is still a humble foot Soldier of lord shiva at his heart
Now, you have finally reached into the embrace of the God
you so devotedly prayed every single day of Ur life
You have lived you life to give us all that we could dream for and more.
I pray that you attain peace in your holy union with the Kasi Viswanatha 🙏


A soul draped in layers of perception
Met an angel with proud imperfection
The encounter opened up shades so dark
That my being was drenched in murk
The being that entered my life was a embodiment of sensations
His heart so free and yet so much strong
That this feat was possible itself was such a wonder
Lust for him was so strong that I feared a surrender
And there was a battle going on in my soul
The beast within fighting with human to reach its goal.
Any pal who gazes at my angel became an enemy
And, the beast within was raging in agony.
Let’s cage the angel. Lets cage! Let’s cage
It kept on humming within while I was lost in a maze
I cooked for the angel, I drove him to places so beautiful
And it was a sight to behold to see him so joyful.
But, something wasn’t right at all
I cant let this obsession to win at all
With an iron fist, I chained the beast and muffled its grunt
For I cant imagine my angel with his wings being burnt
There was no respite from the gnawing beast
It was so relentless in the pursuit of its feast
What should be done to calm it?
How should I reason with it?
Bearing all the cuts, scratches and bites
I embraced the beast with shaky hands
Accepting its imperfections and wilderness
And, for once the gnawing within receeds
The beast understood the love the man had for its angel
And at once it let go the desire so primordial
The beast and the man became one and the same.
And the angel winked at me for winning the game.

Zindagi ki kitaab

Is kitaab ki kalam mein chalti rahegi syaahi aakhri saas thak.
Kalam ko rokne se darr lagta hai
Ki kahi na kahi pura kaagaz mein kalank na hojaye!
Daudati duniya is haath ko uthne nahi detha hain.
Jo kuch bhi ho aage badhna hi hain.
Khahaani khubsurat honi hi hai.
Jab likhna shuru hua tho haath kaapne lage… kuch na kuch haasil karne ke chakkar mein har panne mein hum bus cheetiyan bharte chale. 😅
Kya kahani likhi hai humne?
Naa humhe samaj mein aaye naahi khuda ko
Phir ek din ek haath ne Sahara diya.
Humhe voh taakat di jo kalam ko rok paye…
Duniya ki baaton ko nazar andaaz karne ki himmat bhar di dil mein.
Voh ek Pari thi, jo hamare zindagi mein aaye thi.
Khud se pyaar karna sikhaya aur humhe zindagi ki raaz bataya…
Raaz ye hain ki… ye kitaab khud ke liye likhna hain, Sajana hain. Aur pyaar se sambhalna hain.
Ye kitaab bhoj nhi hain. Ye tumhara sahara ban sakti hai. Ye tumhe voh pankh de sakte hain… joh tumhe insaan se pari bana dega… Aur, tab yaad rakhna yaara!
Tumhe bhi vapas aana hain. Aur andhera mein ragadthi hui roohon ko upar roshni bhari aasmaan ki tharaf dhakka dena hain